Spring CSA 2024: Bag Three

Spring CSA Bag Three is headed to you!

This week’s bag should include the following:

  • shredded savoy cabbage
  • micro greens
  • basil (or some other herb)
  • swiss chard
  • “farmer’s choice” greens: either spinach, red mustard, wasabi mustard, bok choi)
  • red onion
  • parsnips
  • carrots
  • celeriac
  • potatoes – French fingerlings
  • eggs (from our friends in New Braintree, MA)

Correct storage of the items in your CSA share is the key to successfully eating seasonally.  Here is a Storage Cheat Sheet that I hand out with Winter CSA that also applies to Spring CSA.  Check it out if you need storage tips.

This weekly letter will be coming to your inbox the day before your pickup and is also available at stillmansfarm.com/blog and stilllifefarm.wordpress.com.  

If you cannot recycle or reuse them, we are accepting returned CSA bags.  Please be sure that returned bags are clean and in good condition.

We will see you in TWO WEEKS for your next bounty of Spring bag. The spring CSA schedule is also on our website calendar.


March 9, March 23, April 6, April 20, May 4, May 18, June 1
Jamaica Plain, 12-3pm


March 10, March 24, April 7, April 21, May 5, May 19, June 2
Lunenburg, 12-1pm


March 14, March 28, April 11, April 25, May 9, May 23, June 6
Boston (Boston Public Market) 12-5pm
Brookline (Beals Street) 1-6pm
Watertown (City Hall) 12:30-1pm
Natick (Princeton Rd) 1:30-6pm
Worcester (Deadhorse Hill Restaurant) 5-9pm
Hardwick (Still Life Farm) 4-6pm
New Braintree (Stillman’s Farm) 12-6pm

Spinach Basil Frittata (you can also substitute mustard or bok choi)

  • 6 large eggs beaten with S&P
  • Spinach
  • Basil
  • onions/shallot/scallions
  • Garlic
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Olive oil
  • grated/shredded cheese(optional)

Pre-heat your oven to 350℃
Sauté garlic and whatever form of onions you are using in oil in a large oven-proof pan until golden. Turn heat to low, sauté spinach gently until wilted.
Distribute the veg evenly around the pan, and slowly pour the egg over it. Top it with your fresh basil, turn the heat to medium, this is where I move the veg around in the pan a little to make sure the egg is settling in around everything. After the egg begins to set up, sprinkle optional cheese over the top and put the pan in the oven. It should be set up completely in 5-10 minutes, egg cooked in the middle. Enjoy with a salad!

Running the below again because you have shredded cabbage this week! If you are not feeling the slaw, then whip up a stirfry?

Genevieve’s Go-to Slaw Dressing

Simple, simple, simple: To 1/3 cup cider vinegar add 1/2 tsp kosher salt (sea salt would be good too), a bunch of black pepper, a fat TB of Dijon or spicy brown mustard, 1/2 tsp celery seed (if you like); slowly whisk in 1/2 cup oil (something light, I use canola or safflower), Toss over anything shredded: kohlrabi, radish, cabbage, carrot, apple…

Baked Risotto with Greens

  • 1 T olive oil
  • 1 small onion, minced
  • 1 cup arborio rice
  • 1 3/4 cups low-salt vegetable or chicken stock
  • 1/2 cup tomato sauce (jarred pasta sauce will do)
  • 3/4 cup grated parmesan or pecorino cheese
  • 1 bunch greens such as kale, beet greens, or chard, stems removed, washed and coarsely chopped (about 4 cups)
  • salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400. In 1-quart baking dish, combine oil and onion over moderate heat. Cook until onion is soft, 3-4 minutes. Add rice, stir to coat with oil, and cook for 1 minute. Add the chicken stock, tomato sauce, and greens, and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Turn off heat. Add half the cheese and smooth out the top with the back of a spoon. Add salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Cover and bake for 30-35 minutes, until rice is cooked through and has absorbed most of the liquid. Should be moist but not soupy.
Erica Fletcher (adapted from Patricia Wells’ Trattoria cookbook)

Sautéed Mustard Greens
Rinse leaves, let them stay wet, chop loosely. Add a splash of olive oil to skillet over medium-high heat, toss in a couple crushed garlic cloves and pinch of red pepper flakes, cook until garlic starts to brown, to infuse with flavor, then discard the garlic. Add in the mustard and sprinkle with salt. Cover and cook until tender (a couple of minutes), drizzle with balsamic and enjoy!

Yummy Dressing for Kale Salad

  • ¼ cup EVOO
  • 3 Tb apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tb Dijon mustard
  • 1 Tb maple syrup
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 Tb white wine vinegar
  • 1Tb white wine
  • S&P to taste

Pour this over your chopped kale and massage in. Add some sliced red onion, slivered almonds, shaved carrot…

Greens Sauteed with Garlic, Raisins and Pine Nuts

Farm Dirt:

Well, the crocus and tête a têtes and phlox WERE pretty on Easter…covered with ice and snow at the moment. Looks like the weather will warm next week (today is the 5th) and we can get to plowing fields.

Stillman’s Farm.  The seed potatoes have arrived! We are looking forward to plowing something besides snow and putting down the first plastic. Then we can actually start planting the potatoes and getting peas in the ground! We depend on the plastic mulch to prevent weed seeds in the soil from germinating and competing with the actual planted crop. Weeds not only take up the nutrients in the soil, but take extra water (hmmm, maybe could be useful!!!!), light and aeration away from the desired plant. The alternative to plastic is mechanical or chemical weed control. The creation of genetically modified or engineered organisms is partially a response to effective and more economical weed control. Just to recap what you already know, we do not grow any GMO anything here and we use, at much higher expense, plastic and/or manpower to keep the weeds at bay; this is why we could never compete with big ag and why, back to potatoes, we cannot compete with price. It is important to us to continue to conscientiously grow with integrity and offer not only safe produce, BUT THE MOST DELICIOUS!…that goes for SLF farm too.

Fun fact: we get a lot of questions about whether we spray our crops with gramoxone (Roundup is a popular brand).  No, we don’t. One would have to be growing GMO, gramoxone-ready crops to be able to spray over them with gramoxone. We don’t have a crop on the farm that would not die if we sprayed it with a non-selective herbicide/plant killer.

Still Life Farm: Busy pruning orchards, seeding in the greenhouse, transplanting crops into the greenhouse for Spring CSA and transplanting seedlings into the grow house. General farm cleanup activities like pulling plastic, burning brush, garden cleanup and of course, shoveling and snow plowing this week, sigh.

Eat well & love your food,

Genevieve Stillman (Stillman’s Farm) & Halley Stillman (Still Life Farm)

Spring CSA 2023 – Bag 2

Spring CSA Bag Two is headed to you!

In classic New England fashion, March decided to dump a bunch of snow on all of us, just when we thought spring was arriving…. hopefully we are back on track now, and that was the final snowstorm of the year (fingers crossed).

This week’s bag should include the following: Swiss chard, Spinach, Bok Choi, Cortland apples, Onions, Gold Potatoes, Parsnips OR Beets, Tetsukabuto Winter Squash, Daikon Radish Slaw, Garlic OR Shallots, and Popcorn.  If you are eating with us for Spring CSA, you are really getting to the nitty-gritty of farm food and seasonal eating.  Eating local and seasonal during the early spring means lots of overwintered roots, apples, and squashes.  We have the additional luxury of greens coming out of our high tunnels and greenhouses, to be cherished!

Correct storage of the items in your CSA share is the key to successfully eating seasonally.  Here is a Storage Cheat Sheet that I hand out with Winter CSA that also applies to Spring CSA.  Check it out if you need storage tips.

This weekly letter will be coming to your inbox the day before your pickup and is also available at stillmansfarm.com/blog and stilllifefarm.wordpress.com.  

We will see you in TWO WEEKS for your next bounty of Spring bag. The schedule is also on our website calendar.


March 4, March 18, April 1, April 15, April 29, May 13, May 27
Jamaica Plain, 12-3pm


March 5, March 19, April 2, April 16, April 30, May 14, May 28
Lunenburg, 12-1pm


March 9, March 23, April 6, April 20, May 4, May 18, June 1
Boston (Boston Public Market) 12-6pm
Brookline (Beals Street) 1-6pm
Watertown (City Hall) 12:30-1pm
Natick (Princeton Rd) 1:30-6pm
Worcester (Deadhorse Hill Restaurant) 5-9pm
Hardwick (Still Life Farm) 4-6pm
New Braintree (Stillman’s Farm) 12-6pm


This week’s featured item is the parsnip.

Now, honestly, I know that many love the parsnip, but it’s really not my favorite…give me a carrot any day.  But it does have its place in a great many wonderful winter and spring dishes.  My Vegetable Illustrated cookbook claims that parsnips are “simultaneously sweeter and earthier than carrots, with more complex and subtle floral notes but they are just as versatile in the kitchen.”

The only preparation a parsnip needs is maybe a quick peel and to core out the tough inner center.  Then they are wonderful roasted and thrown on a hearty winter salad, in stews, boiled with butter…or, try something new with this recipe for Parsnip Hummus.

Parsnip Hummus, from Vegetables Illustrated

  • 1 pound parsnip, peeled, cut into 1-inch lengths
  • 1/4 cup tahini
  • 3 T EVOO
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 2 T lemon juice
  • S&P
  • 1 garlic minced
  • 1 t paprika
  • 1/2 t coriander
  • 1/4 t cumin
  • 1/4 t chipotle chili powder
  • 1 T toasted sesame seeds

Microwave parsnips in covered bowl until tender, about 10 minutes.  Combine tahini and oil in a small bowl.  Process parsnips, water, lemon juice, 3/4 t salt, garlic, paprika, coriander, cumin, and chili powder in food processor until completely smooth, about 1 minute, scraping down sides of bowl as needed.  With processor running, add tahini mixture in a steady stream and process until hummus is smooth and creamy, about 15 seconds.  Season with S&P.  Transfer hummus to serving bowl, cover and let rest for 30 minutes to allow flavors to mingle. Drizzle with extra EVOO and sprinkle with sesame seeds.  Serve.

Notes on a few other items in your share.

Tetsukabuto winter squash is a Japanese squash who’s name literally translates to “Iron Helmet”. It’s a wonderful late storage crop and easily carries into the spring.  You can cook it any way you would traditionally use winter squash.

Locally grown popcorn is exactly the same as the popcorn you would buy in the grocery.  Except, we grew it this past season at Still Life Farm, and you need to remove it from the cob before cooking.  Then you can cook it “old school” in a hot pan with oil, in the popcorn maker, or in a paper bag ends loosely rolled in the microwave on the popcorn setting.

Garlic.  It’s getting to be the end of garlic season.  To increase shelf life at this point, store it in the fridge and use it as you need it.

Radish Slaw – use it first. It is wetter than the cabbage slaw and doesn’t keep as well…we were all pleasantly surprised to use red cabbage slaw from week 1 just yesterday, it was perfect! Just whip up the below ingredients in a large enough, lidded container to hold the slaw, then dump in the bag’s contents, cover and shake it up.

Genevieve’s go-to Slaw Dressing:

Simple, simple, simple: To 1/3 cup cider vinegar add 1/2 tsp kosher salt (sea salt would be good too), a bunch of black pepper, a fat TB of Dijon or spicy brown mustard, 1/2 tsp celery seed; slowly whisk in 1/2 cup oil (something light, I use canola or safflower), Toss over anything shredded: kohlrabi, radish, cabbage, carrot, apple…

Farm Dirt:

Despite the late season snowstorm, work on the farms continues to move in the direction of spring.

Stillman’s Farm.  Seeding is in full swing.  Glenn has been working away all week, seeding over 1,000 trays of tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers.  Reid and Kirsten were able to get the extensive heirloom tomato collection organized and seeded.  Annual flower baskets (including those reserved for Reid and Kirsten’s upcoming wedding!!!) have been designed and planted.  The first group of H2A Jamaican labor has returned from their winter at home.  I don’t think they were too pleased about this past snowstorm.  Merrick, Ali, and Melbourne have been busting through farm projects, including getting the flat-filler back into operational status (a machine that automatically puts soil into the seeding flats, saving lots of labor hours).

If you are planning your gardens, we have lots in store for you later this Spring. I have the tomatoes updated online and will get to the peppers and eggplants next week. I will also try to update the actual lists of flowers, herbs, and other veggie transplants we will have available.

Still Life Farm.  We wrapped up our final Wayland winter market last week and it was a huge success.  Curt and I have been delighted to see many CSA members faces popping up at winter markets this past season!  We’re trying to stay on top of our spring seeding schedule, and so far have seeded all the alliums, celery, hearty herbs, cherry tomatoes, zucchini and summer squash, and a few other items.  A couple days ago the farm team transplanted a fresh batch of mesclun salad greens into the high tunnel.  Halley finished applying for the 2023 Infrastructure Grant.  If SLF is awarded, we intend to put up another high tunnel for more winter greens production and install a stand-alone generator as backup power for our winter (and spring) vegetable storage.  Fingers crossed…

Eat well & love your food,

Halley Stillman (Still Life Farm) & Genevieve Stillman (Stillman’s Farm) 

Spring CSA 2022: Week 8

Week Eight of the Spring CSA will include the following: Mesclun Salad Greens, Bok Choi, Spinach, Cortland Apples, Purple Daikon Radish, and fresh herbs (either Dill or Cilantro). Please note that the weekly photo is not an exact depiction of what is in your share, but rather a reference image.

The weekly letter will be coming to your inbox the day before your pickup and is also available at stillmansfarm.com/blog and stilllifefarm.wordpress.com.  

Weekly Featured Item: Spinach

At this point of the season, we usually have TONS of spinach.  It has been overwintering in the greenhouses, and when we start having a little warmth and extra sun light it just grows like crazy.  Spinach is a great source of Vitamins A, C, and K1, Folic Acid, Iron, and Calcium.  The benefits of spinach include increased eye health, reduces oxidative stress, helps prevent cancer, and reduces blood pressure levels. So, get your “Popeye” on!

Baked Eggs with Spinach and Mushrooms
From Smitten Kitchen

This recipe can be adjusted to fit your family size.  The ingredient list below has been tripled from the original recipe.

2 pounds (32 ounces) ounces fresh baby spinach or regular spinach leaves
1 small yellow onion, finely chopped
3 small garlic cloves, minced
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 pound mushrooms, thinly sliced (I use creminis)
1 cup heavy cream
3/4 teaspoon table salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg (optional; I skip this)
12 large eggs
6 tablespoons finely grated Parmesan cheese

If you’ve just washed your spinach, no need to dry it before wilting it in the pan. If it’s already dry, bring 1/2 inch water to a boil in a very large ovenproof heavy skillet, then add half of spinach and cook, turning with tongs, until wilted, about 30 seconds. Add remaining spinach and wilt in same manner, then cook, covered, over moderately high heat until spinach is tender, about 1 to 2 minutes. Drain in a colander and cool under cold running water. Gently squeeze handfuls of spinach to remove as much liquid as possible, then coarsely chop. You will have about 2 cups fairly tightly packed cooked spinach.

Wipe skillet dry, then melt butter over medium-low heat. Cook onion and garlic until softened, 2 to 3 minutes. Add mushrooms and increase heat to medium-high, then cook, stirring, until mushrooms have softened, exuded liquid and that liquid has cooked off, about 5 minutes. Stir in cream, salt, pepper, nutmeg (if using), and chopped spinach and bring back a simmer. Remove skillet from heat.

If baking eggs in this skillet, make 12 large indentations in mixture, each large enough to fit an egg. Otherwise, you can transfer this mixture to a 9×13-inch baking dish and do the same there. I like to use 2 teaspoons to make the wells; I press the backs of them together to “pinch” up the spinach mixture to form taller walls so that the eggs will not merge together.

Do ahead: You can then set this aside for a few hours or up to one day in the fridge, covered.

When you’re ready to bake the dish, or about 30 minutes before serving, put oven rack in upper third of oven and heat oven to 450°F. Crack an egg into each well. Bake until whites are firm and yolks are still runny. You can check this by inserting a toothpick into various parts of the eggs and seeing whether they’re runny or set, which takes anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. The range is long due to different ovens and baking vessels. It’s better to have to check more often than to let them overcook.

[Cooking note: It is nearly impossible to get all 12 eggs to cook evenly. The ones in the center will be more runny; at the edges, they’ll be more firm. But don’t fret. I’ve found that almost all people have an egg preference (more runny vs. more firm) and each egg manages to find the right home. Just ask people their preference as you serve them.]

Remove dish from oven, sprinkle with additional salt and pepper, plus grated Parmesan. Serve immediately.

Home-made dressing for all those salad greens. Mix together 1 tsp chopped shallots, S&P, 1 tsp Dijon mustard, 1 Tbsp maple syrup, 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar, 3 Tbsp red wine vinegar, 3 Tbsp EVOO…you’ll have to taste and possible adjust some ingredients.  I love a hearty spring salad with the mesclun greens, storage radishes, and any roasted roots I have kicking around.

Gochujang-Sesame Noodles from Bon Appetit. Another greens recipe that I thought the Bok choi would be a perfect fit for (just sub out the broccoli raab).

Farm Dirt

Stillman’s Farm. The whole family enjoyed an absolutely beautiful Easter holiday at Stillman’s farm, complete with a farm fresh ham dinner and Kip’s first Easter egg hunt.  We hope that you all had a blessed holiday week as well.  In farm related news, the major achievement of the week was transplanting 4500 tomatoes into multiple high tunnels for early production. A big project and an important project so we can all enjoy local tomatoes as soon as possible!  The retail tomato and pepper seedlings have been transplanted from their tiny starter cells to larger grow cells and will be ready for your gardens soon. Glenn has a lot on his mind between greenhouse jobs and field prep jobs and is trying to keep everything moving forward.  It’s a busy time of year.

Still Life Farm. This week we are enjoying a visit from our very dear friends who have driven up from Wichita, KS.  In theory we are attempting to have a “staycation”, but that is easier said than done on the farm.  I think what is actually happening is our friends are having a “farm labor” vacation, but they are being good sports about it…lol.  Kip is absolutely thrilled to have two other kids to play with at the house!  On the farm side of things, we have been trying to pick and sell as many greenhouse greens as possible since they are growing out of control.  Curt and Tony have a dug an entire row of our orange raspberries and transplanted them to a new field in hopes that they have more space and sunlight to thrive at that new location.  There’s a skunk who has taken up residence under our chicken barn and it’s pretty annoying.

Eat well & love your food,

Halley Stillman (Still Life Farm) & Genevieve Stillman (Stillman’s Farm) 

Winter CSA 2021-22: December News

December, Winter Newsletter #3

Wishing all our CSA Members the happiest of holidays from Still Life Farm!

The December box includes the following items: Apples (Mutsu, Cortland), pears (Seckel), winter squash (Sunshine), potatoes (Adirondack Blue), sweet potatoes, onions (Yellow), leeks, garlic, Brussels sprouts (green), carrots (rainbow), winter radish (mix of Purple Daikon, Red Daikon, and Watermelon), kale (Redbore or Tuscan), bok choi, mesclun salad greens, and cabbage (Deadon Savoy).  *Contents of Individual Share will differ.

This Winter CSA box is just beautiful!  It has tons of variety and color to brighten up your holidays.  FYI, this is the first “late season” box in Still Life Farm history that has been filled with plenty of greens!  We managed to get our winter greenhouses planted three weeks early this season, and it has made a HUGE difference with the amount of production we are getting…yay for winter greens!  You will find a medley of “winter” radishes in your box.  I love these storage radishes because they keep their awesome crunch all winter long, and are perfect for winter slaws, quick pickles, or charcuterie plates.  The Adirondack Blue potatoes are purple inside and out, and on the dry side, so they are awesome roasted, or as hashbrowns or chips.  Sunshine squash is another favorite of mine, super sweet and delicious.  I call it “dessert on a plate” because I literally just halve and roast it and then slap butter and brown sugar on it.  Done!   

Remember: CORRECT STORAGE is key to using your winter CSA share to its potential. Feel free to look back and reference “Storage Tips: How to get the most out of your Still Life Farm Winter CSA”.

Just a quick update on the farm.  Our H2A labor has headed home for the season to be with their families in Jamaica.  They worked so hard this year on the farm and deserve a nice long break over the winter.  Meanwhile, Curt and I have been making big strides with our new wash/pack/storage building.  The roof, the sides, and the exterior doors have all been installed.  We are still waiting for heat and a few other finishing touches, but we packed CSA shares in there for December and it was soooo much easier and faster than our previous method.  Pretty big game changer for our little farm!          

Oftentimes when I am writing the current CSA Newsletter, I look back to last year’s letter.  Last year we were in the middle of COVID-19 shut down and life was tricky for everyone.  Small businesses were being impacted extremely hard, and in 2020 I had urged everyone to try to make a point of “shopping small”.  I know we are in a slightly different place this year, but many small businesses are still really struggling.  So, I would urge you all again, please make a point of “shopping small” for the holiday season. Whether it be an actual hard good, a gift card, or an experience – let’s try to keep those dollars local and small and hold onto our unique small businesses!    


Five Spice Chicken Thighs with Apples and Sweet Potatoes

1 fennel bulb with fronds

¾ pounds sweet potato, peeled and cut into ¼ inch slices

1 ¼ tsp kosher salt, divided

½ tsp pepper

1 medium red onion, cut lengthwise into 1/3-inch slices

2 large firm-tart apples (like Cortland) unpeeled, sliced into ¼ inch wedges

6 bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs (about 2 ¾ pounds)

2 Tbsp salted butter, melted

1 tsp honey

1 ½ tsp Chinese Five Spice

Preheat oven to 425oF.  Cut off fennel stalks and reserve fronds. Trim base of bulb and any tough outer layers.  Halve bulb lengthwise, cut out core, and cut bulb lengthwise into slim wedges.  Oil a large, rimmed baking sheet and arrange sweet potatoes and fennel in a single layer.  Sprinkle with ½ tsp salt and ¼ tsp pepper. Arrange onion and apples over potatoes and sprinkle with ¼ tsp each S&P.  Set chicken on top.  In a small bowl, combine butter, honey, Five Spice, and ½ tsp salt.  Brush onto chicken.  Roast 15 minutes, then tip pan and baste ingredients with juices.  Continue to roast until chicken is nicely browned and no longer pink at the bone, usually 15-20 minutes more.  Baste everything again and scatter reserved fennel fronds on top.    

Garlicky Fried Rice with Bok Choi

1 ½ pounds bok choi, cut into ½ inch slices

10 garlic cloves, minced

4 cups cooked rice

2 Tbsp fish sauce

1 tsp grated lime zest plus 1 ½ Tbsp juice

Vegetable oil

Heat 1 Tbsp vegetable oil in 12-inch nonstick skillet on medium-high heat until just smoking.  Add bok choi and ½ tsp salt and cook until beginning to soften and char in spots, 2-4 minutes.  Stir in garlic and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds.  Stir in rice, 2 Tbsp oil, fish sauce, lime zest and juice, and ¼ tsp pepper.  Firmly press rice mixture into compact, even layer.  Cover and cook, without stirring, until rice begins to crisp, about 2 minutes.  Uncover, reduce heat to medium, and continue to cook until bottom of rice is golden brown, 4-6 minutes.  Season with S&P to taste and serve. 

A few important tidbits to know for the season:

  • Please be at your monthly pick-up or find a sub to pick up for you. We deliver monthly and do not have the flexibility to accommodate missed boxes. If you need to change your pick-up location, please email in advance and we will be happy to bring your box to a different location if possible.
  • Boxes. We reuse our boxes. Please return your empty box when you pick up your next share. Do not rip the boxes. If you cannot figure out how to break down your box, please leave it assembled, we will do it for you. Please be careful! Otherwise, you will be subject to “Halley’s Box Tutorial Session” (No, this is not a joke).   😉
  • Email us! We love to hear from our members…share feedback, recipes, agriculture-related articles, whatever…

Happy Holidays! 

Love your food,  

Halley Stillman